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«  Октябрь 2012  »


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  • Главная » 2012 » Октябрь » 16 » PhotoZoom Pro 5.0.2 Portable
    PhotoZoom Pro 5.0.2 Portable

    Профессиональная программа для увеличения цифровых фотографий. Фирменная технология масштабирования S-Spline, используемая в PhotoZoom Pro, позволяет увеличивать фотографии без беспокойства о потере качества. Программа создана специально для профессиональной обработки требовательных к качеству изображений, настольных издательских систем, допечатной подготовки цифровых снимков. PhotoZoom Pro может работать как самостоятельное приложение, так и в качестве плагина к Adobe Photoshop.

    Many professionals are familiar with the problem; quality loss caused by digital image magnification. In many cases a great deal of time is spent on achieving only a fairly acceptable enlargement result, however there are familiar side effects including out-of-focus images and serrated edges which is illustrative for the lack of professional magnification software.

    PhotoZoom Pro is based on S-Spline XL: a renewed and improved version of our patented, self-adjusting, many times awarded S-Spline interpolation technology. As we did with S-Spline, our S-Spline XL technology again introduces a revolutionary breakthrough in digital image enlargement. It is able to render sharp and crisp clear image magnifications, perfectly focused, yet without the jagged edges, loss of detail or lack of photorealism that normally come with enlarging images.

    Enlarge your photos and images with S-Spline XL, the No. 1 image resize technology in the world. Awarded and praised by the professional and consumer press over and over again.

    The S-Spline algorithm already excelled in preserving sharp edges, our new S-Spline XL algorithm also adds preservation and reconstruction of fine, more subtle details. With PhotoZoom Pro 2, you can create revolutionary image magnifications of unparalleled quality.

    Batch conversion allows you to resize whole series at once: easily adjust the setting for a batch and there you go.

    Extensive support for high-end industry image formats (such as 48 & 64 bit images)

    The software comes as both standalone application and Adobe Photoshop compatible export plugin, and works on Windows and Mac OS X, making sure that whatever work environment you prefer, the workflow runs smoothly.

    For quick results there are predefined settings for common types of content and enlargement types

    For a subtle finishing touch, you can control the end results through advanced fine-tuning tools.

    Compare quality to what competing programs do by switching between S-Spline XL and any of the other existing interpolation algorithms that are available in e.g. Adobe Photoshop

    Large preview window with zooming functionality to show you the end resize result in great detail. What you see is what you get.

    Информация о программе:
    Язык интерфейса: английский + русский
    Разработчик: benvista.com
    Платформа: Windows XP/2003/Vista/7
    Год выхода: 2012
    Размер (RAR): 4 Мб
    Информация для восстановления: 5%
    архив не запаролен

    Download / Скачать PhotoZoom Pro 5.0.2 Portable

    Категория: Файлы | Просмотров: 420 | Добавил: alexey78953 | Теги: Image, PhotoZoom, editor | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0
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